
De Disposition de clavier bépo
< Utilisatrice:Ariasuni
Révision datée du 22 juillet 2017 à 20:39 par Ariasuni (discussion | contributions) (mise à jour de mon pseudo)
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Mes réflexions à propos de la V2.






Placement des symboles pour la V2





«I read in a mailing list/forum, that according to Dvorak's book, the middle finger is strongest, but Dvorak placed more keystrokes on the index finger, because that finger is assigned 6 keys (versus 3 for the middle finger).

I actually did some finger exercises where I lifted weights with my fingers. I found that my middle fingers were actually stronger than my index fingers. But overall, my index, middle and ring fingers were fairly close in strength. The pinky was significantly weaker, but not as weak as you might imagine. My index fingers could do about 50% more repetitions than my pinkies could. This is actually comparable to the finger ratios in Dvorak, where the index fingers are assigned about a 50% greater burden than the pinkies.

So I think the biggest issue with the pinkies may not be so much the strength, but the length. This may be the real reason why the L key can be uncomfortable in Dvorak.»